Most people are familiar with cyberattacks – or, as they’re often called, ransomware attacks. They involve hackers getting into a supposedly secure system and taking it over. Those who need to use the system can’t do so until they pay a ransom to the hackers. A...
Medical Malpractice
How do you prove medical malpractice?
If unhappy patients could sue doctors and hospitals every time they did not get the outcome they wanted, the medical profession would soon struggle to recruit people. Hence, there are strict requirements for anyone wishing to file a claim against the person or...
Knee replacement revision
Sometimes, a knee replacement at a New York hospital is necessary to have the mobility that you desire. However, some situations can lead to a botched surgery with the replacement needing additional surgery, commonly called a "revision." Failure After knee replacement...
Requesting an autopsy in a medical malpractice case in New York
When filing a wrongful death lawsuit in New York, you must prove to the court that, indeed, your loved one died due to someone else's negligence to receive justice and compensation for your loss. This may call for an autopsy if there is not enough evidence or medical...
The most common anesthesia errors
Modern anesthetics allow surgeons in New York and throughout the country to transplant organs, repair shattered bones and remove tumors without worrying about patient comfort. The development of these powerful drugs has made surgery safer, but anesthesiologists must...
Surgical errors are worryingly common
Hundreds of thousands of people in New York and around the country undergo surgery each year, but not all of those operations go as planned. When researchers from a medical insurance company scrutinized medical malpractice claims filed between 2014 and 2018, they...
Is polypharmacy an indication of malpractice in New York?
In recent years, a growing issue known as polypharmacy has been where individuals take five or more prescription medications. According to the Lown Institute report in 2020, there has been a 200 percent increase in Americans ages 65 and older taking this larger number...
What nurses should know about medical malpractice
Nurses play an essential role in the New York healthcare system and are often on the front lines of patient care. While nurses are highly trained professionals, they can still be at risk for medical malpractice claims. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare...
Medical gaslighting can constitute malpractice in some situations
Many New Yorkers have heard the term “gaslighting,” but it’s not something commonly thought of as occurring in medical situations. Unfortunately, medical gaslighting happens more often than you might think. This is what it means and how you can tell if you are a...
Causation is crucial to a medical malpractice lawsuit
A medical malpractice lawsuit is a complicated undertaking in New York and is one of the most frequently litigated areas of law. To succeed in a medical malpractice claim, you need to prove that the negligence or misconduct of your healthcare provider caused your...